Can I run multiple plans/timers at the same time? ie: I want to have a certain block plan and run the pomodoro plan on top of it to time my sessions pomodoro style. I have various plans to set up for my different jobs I do. (some web design, some graphics and some social media marketing (right in the lion's den, I know!) So I don't want to have to set up the different jobs to each have 25 minute pomodoro timers in case I need to switch a job in the middle of a pomodoro timer session. Am I making this way to complex?
Maybe I just stick to only doing 25 minute sessions on any job? I'm trying to keep to blocking social media unless I'm doing social media marketing and only limit those social media marketing times to small chunks of time.
Can I run multiple plans/timers at the same time? ie: I want to have a certain block plan and run the pomodoro plan on top of it to time my sessions pomodoro style. I have various plans to set up for my different jobs I do. (some web design, some graphics and some social media marketing (right in the lion's den, I know!) So I don't want to have to set up the different jobs to each have 25 minute pomodoro timers in case I need to switch a job in the middle of a pomodoro timer session. Am I making this way to complex?
Maybe I just stick to only doing 25 minute sessions on any job? I'm trying to keep to blocking social media unless I'm doing social media marketing and only limit those social media marketing times to small chunks of time.