I'm quite new to FocusMe but I really like it and have been recommending it to friends and other writers in an online group I belong to.
There's one feature I'd really like:
For the timer box to remember it's position from the last time a plan was activated.
I use FocusMe like a Pomodoro timer. I work in 52 minute sessions, take a break, then start FocusMe again for another session. Each time I have to move the timer box down to the bottom of the screen to get it out of the way. It's a small thing but a little frustrating to have to do every hour.
Is it possible for it to remember its previous position on screen?
Hello, a feature request that I have for FocusMe is to add Youtube Integrations, because youtube can be very helpful for me, but I always notice myself watching unhelpful and unproductive videos, that are unrelated to what it is I am meant to be doing. By adding integrations, hopefully, only videos that I want to come up will come up, and videos that are unproductive wont be watchable. So far, the best way that I have thought of doing this, is to block certain categories in youtube that I put into FocusMe. For example, in the FocusMe program, I chose to block the 'gaming' and 'entertainment' category - when I do this, youtube videos from those categories wont come up, and will be blocked if I do somehow manage to click on them. Blocking certain youtube channels that we input into FocusMe would be useful aswell, as it would mean that I won't spend ages watching channels that can be very addictive. These are some Integrations that I believe would massively help boost my productivity on youtube. THANKS
Worked OK for a few days but since then not blocking Firefox at all. Happened after moving from maybe 30 to 60 whitelisted sites. But I assure you none of them included twitter or facebook! Which are completely accessible through firefox, along with the rest of the net. Chrome and IE are blocked zealously by the app but not these. I did a rigorous uninstall both using standard windows uninstaller and IOBIT uninstaller, then re-downloaded, reinstalled, same problem. Win 8.1, i7 notebook, 8gb ram.
Would be useful not to have to block firefox 100% as it's the browser I get on with best.
This is rather a seemingly tiny complaint but in my case, it can really make the plans much more ineffective.
If I create a plan and blacklist a few programs, then FocusMe works just fine and simply closes them. But if I create a plan to block all programs (except the ones I whitelist), then it doesn't close them but just minimizes.
This can be misused/cheated.
I have many Virtuality reality apps that can work fine even if minimized. Because I use Oculus Rift headset and everything still works in that.
It's great to be here. I wished when I got this app that there was a dedicated forum for FocusMe, and now it's here! Thank you. This app is wonderful and has improved my productivity single-handedly.
I'd just like to share one little "trick" that I use to make it even more effective. It obviously cannot be applied to all situations, but if you have work like me, it really helps. All I have to do is write a few articles and send them to my employers' ID. Anyone in writers' work would know how easy it is to procrastinate. I also don't have very strict deadlines, so I can slack off easily. It gets to the point that I have many articles pending that should have been sent weeks ago.
So I create a plan that blocks distractions and use a password to stop it. And that's the only way I can stop that plan. It's a password with random characters, making it hard to memorize by just looking at it a few times.
So then, what I do is that I create a "flow" in Microsoft Flow service. It works like this: when an email is sent from my email account (Gmail) that meets the criteria I set, this system automatically creates a text file containing my password in my OneDrive folder. This works for me wonderfully because I have this extra motivation to work and send articles daily on time, so I can get the password and have some fun time on social media or watch YouTube, etc.
It's risky because there's no way to end or pause the plan at all until I send that email with a very specific subject line and specific attachments. But that's why it works.
Hello, can anyone help me figure out how to blacklist parts of a website while whitelisting other parts? Specifically, I want to allow access to Reddit, but block several particular subreddits. Also, I want to block access to most of YouTube, but allow access several specific videos.
I keep getting distracted by notifications from other apps and would love it was possible to block notifications for those apps that are blacklisted in the plan ( or a global notification ban via Windows 10's Focus Assist). For example, if a pomodoro timer is on., notifications from blacklisted apps will not appear on screen as a popup or make sound. When it is a pomodoro break, the notifications can then be viewed slowly
Since I'm using FocusMe my battery is draining faster. This is not so great, since I work from coffee places a lot and didn't have to bring my charger before.
Is there a solution for this?
So it looks like we are few around here at the moment. That's fine.
I have been looking for good self control program for a while and what I have tried so far focus me is best one out there. It's easy for multi level restrictions (hours per day & time of day) and have nice control of your procrastinating habits. So yeah I'm more than happy to contribute to further development of this.
I can see that this kind of software is niche, only for certain type of people, but for those it's paramount. This seems like one piece of key to self control for all those chaotic neutrals etc.